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5 emergency options when you need cash now - 06 Oct 2016 21:59


[[html]]<img src="" alt="" srcset=" 1x, 2x"/><br><br><object width="400" height="241"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="400" height="241"></embed></object><br><br>iStockphoto <br><br>By AJ Smith/<br><br>Totaled your car? Had a medical emergency? Unexpected job loss? When you are strapped for cash, it may seem like there is nowhere to turn.<br><br><img src="" width="274" /><br><br>In fact, there are a multitude of options when you need money and have used up (or never had) an emergency fund. Of course, the best option is to save up the money yourself and avoid going into debt. But if that's not possible, check out some of the available methods to help you when you're in a pinch.<br><br>Each option has its own pros and cons, so make sure you consider your options carefully and fully <a href=""></a> understand the terms before you commit.<br><br><a href=''></a>[[/html]] - Comments: 0

Bad Credit? Where to Find Business Loans - 06 Oct 2016 10:21


[[html]]You can trust that <a href=""></a> we maintain strict editorial integrity in our writing and assessments; however, we receive compensation when you click on links to products from our partners and get approved. Here's how we make money.<br><br>Bad credit is a red flag for lenders. It indicates you've either mismanaged your personal finances or fallen on hard times. Either way, lenders see you as higher risk — more likely to miss payments or default on a loan than a borrower with good credit.<br><br>Bad credit (defined by FICO as a score of 300 to 629) is one reason loan applications are rejected; the approval rate of business loans from big banks was just 23.3% as of June 2016, according to Biz2Credit. But alternative lenders provide options. They emphasize the strength and operating history of your business rather than your credit. Be sure to carefully compare all of your choices, weighing terms and annual percentage rate.<br><br>Here are some options:<br><br>Note: If you're a startup less than a year old, it'll be tough to find a loan, no matter your credit. Here are financing ideas to help you launch your company.<br><br>If your personal credit score is under 500<br><br>With a score below 500, your best bet is likely a lender with no minimum credit score. Many lenders require a minimum score to qualify, but Fundbox and Kabbage don't. Both are good, although pricey, choices for bad-credit borrowers who need short-term working capital up to $100,000. Fundbox, however, is only for businesses with unpaid customer invoices. There's no minimum revenue with Fundbox and no credit check. For Kabbage's line of credit, you need least $50,000 in annual revenue and one year in business.<br><br>[back to the top]<br><br>If your personal credit score is 500 or higher<br><br>With a personal credit score of at least 500 or 530, you could qualify for OnDeck or BlueVine. OnDeck is for businesses that have at least $100,000 in annual revenue and is better if you need cash for <a href=""></a> an expansion (such as purchasing equipment or making renovations). The lender reports payment activity to the three credit bureaus, so paying off your loan on time will help build your credit score. If your score is at least 530 and your business has unpaid customer invoices, consider BlueVine invoice factoring.<br><br><img style="float:right;margin:10px;border:none;" src="" width="290" /><br><br>[back to the top]<br><br>If your personal credit score is 600 or higher<br><br>Because your score is at least 600, you can turn to Dealstruck or StreetShares for financing. For larger amounts of funding, consider Dealstruck, as it has term loans and lines of credit up to $500,000. However, you'll also need strong minimum annual revenue of $150,000 to qualify. If you have $25,000 or more in revenue, StreetShares is an option. Its loans max out at $100,000 with 9% to 40% APR.<br><br><img style="float:left;margin:10px;border:none;" src="" width="374" /><br><br>[back to the top]<br><br>Need more options?<br><br>If none of these works for you, or if you'd like to compare your loan options, NerdWallet has curated a list of small-business loans best for business owners. All of our recommendations are based on the lender's market scope and track record and on business owners' needs, as well as rates and other factors, so you can make the right financing decision.<br><br>Compare business loans<br><br>Steve Nicastro is a staff writer at NerdWallet, a personal finance website. Email: moc.tellawdren|N.nevetS#moc.tellawdren|N.nevetS. Twitter: @StevenNicastro.<br><br>This article was updated July 22, 2016. It was originally published Nov. 13, 2015.<br><br><a href=''></a><br><br>[[/html]] - Comments: 0

Business News, Personal Finance and Money News - 26 Sep 2016 06:29


[[html]]Automatic emergency braking can help prevent car crashes or reduce their severity by…<br><br>The agreement announced today affects nearly all light-duty cars and trucks with a…<br><br>This agreement will expedite automatic emergency braking standards three years faster…<br><br>Every time a new safety technology becomes standard on modern cars it adds to the costs…<br><br>"<br><br>newsbulletin.nbFooter = ""<br><br>append widget header<br><br>$("#newsbulletin &gt; .midcontainer").append("");<br><br>$("#newsbulletin &gt; .midcontainer").append(newsbulletin.nbContainer);<br><br>$("#newsbulletin &gt; .midcontainer").append(newsbulletin.nbFooter);<br><br>newsbulletin.nbDiv = document.getElementById('nbItemContainer');<br><br>nbjsId = 0;<br><br>newsbulletin.load = function()<br><br>alert(newsbulletin.baseloc+'/xmldata/newsbulletin?id=14640490&amp;twOverride=&amp;lpos='+newsbulletin.lpos+'&amp;section=&amp;'+nbjsId)<br><br>to try and handle caching in webkit browsers<br><br>dynamicJS.load('newsBulletin'+nbjsId, newsbulletin.baseloc+'/xmldata/newsbulletin?id=14640490&amp;twOverride=&amp;lpos='+newsbulletin.lpos2+'&amp;section=&amp;'+nbjsId);<br><br>dynamicJS.load('newsBulletin','');<br><br>display items<br><br>newsbulletin.displayItems = function(nbItemObj)<br><br>check if status update<br><br>this.isStatusUpdate = (nbItemObj.label == 'Status Update')?true:false;<br><br>item type class<br><br>this.itemTypeClass = (this.isStatusUpdate)?'orange':'blue';<br><br>bg position<br><br>this.itemBgPos = '100% 55%';<br><br>if(nbItemObj.bgPos != null)<br><br>this.itemBgPos = nbItemObj.bgPos;<br><br>author image<br><br>this.nbItemStyle = '';<br><br>this.nbH4Class = 'class=nbheader';<br><br>this.nbH4Style = '';<br><br>this.nbItemStyleAuthor = '';<br><br>if(nbItemObj.authorimage != null &amp;&amp; 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// flag to check if the header link is loaded<br><br>isShareLinkLoaded = false; // flag to check if the share link is loaded<br><br>isDoneLoading = false; // flag to check if the html is done loading in the jScrollPane<br><br>function newsBulletin(data)<br><br>if(data)<br><br>isNewDataFlag = isNewData(data);<br><br>if(isNewDataFlag)<br><br>clear contents first<br><br>newsbulletin.nbDiv.innerHTML = '';<br><br>console.log('refresh');<br><br>updates = data.updates;<br><br>headerLink = data.widgetLink;<br><br>shareLink = data.shareLink;<br><br>if (headerLink != '' &amp;&amp; headerLink != null &amp;&amp; !isHeaderLinkLoaded)<br><br>var twitterImg = "<img src="" border="0" width="16" height="16"/>"<br><br>$("#newsbulletin &gt; .midcontainer &gt; .widget_head").append("");<br><br>$("#newsbulletin &gt; .midcontainer &gt; .widget_head &gt; .twitterLink a &gt; .twitterContent").append("" + twitterImg + "");<br><br>isHeaderLinkLoaded = true;<br><br>clear the author cutouts array<br><br>newsbulletin.authorCutouts = [];<br><br>// check to see if there is a height set for container, if so clear it<br><br>// prevents cacheing<br><br>var hasHeight = $('#nbItemContainer').attr('style');<br><br>if (typeof hasHeight != 'undefined')<br><br>$('#nbItemContainer').removeAttr('style');<br><br>$.each(updates, function(ind)<br><br>var itemDetails = new Object();<br><br>it = updates[ind];<br><br>populate the itemDetails object<br><br> = it.objId;<br><br>itemDetails.title = it.title;<br><br>itemDetails.objType = it.objType;<br><br> =;<br><br> =;<br><br>itemDetails.label = it.label;<br><br><img style="float:left;margin:10px;border:none;" src="" width="396" /><br><br> =;<br><br>itemDetails.authorbio =;<br><br>itemDetails.authorfb =;<br><br>itemDetails.authortwitter =;<br><br>itemDetails.feed = it.feed;<br><br>itemDetails.category = it.category;<br><br>set defaults if item is a status update<br><br>if(itemDetails.label == 'Status Update')<br><br>if( == '')<br><br> = ''<br><br>if( == '')<br><br> = 'ABC News'<br><br>itemDetails.authorfb = ''<br><br>itemDetails.authortwitter = ''<br><br>only pass the author image if it's not displayed in any of the items yet<br><br>if($.inArray(, newsbulletin.authorCutouts) == -1)<br><br>itemDetails.authorimage =;<br><br>add to ignore list<br><br>if( != '' &amp;&amp;($.inArray(, newsbulletin.authorCutouts) == -1))<br><br>newsbulletin.authorCutouts.push(;<br><br>if(it.text != '')<br><br>itemDetails.text = it.text;<br><br>else<br><br>itemDetails.bgPos = 'bottom right';<br><br>if (it.notes) <br><br>itemDetails.notes = it.notes;<br><br>build a name value pair list of id/text<br><br>contentObject[] = itemDetails.text<br><br>itemDetails.isExpanded = ($.inArray(, fullTextList) &gt; 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iOS 10 Installed On 14.5% Of All Devices In First 24 Hours - 15 Sep 2016 03:23


[[html]]iOS 10 Installed On 14.5% Of All Devices In First 24 Hours | Ubergizmo<br><br><img src="" alt="ios-10-adoption" width="625" height="389">In case you did not hear, iOS 10 was released yesterday and despite a little hiccup in which the update when installed via OTA caused some devices to brick (which has since been fixed), it seems that adoption of Apple's latest operating system is moving along rather nicely, and in fact it seems to have outpaced 2015's iOS 9.<br><br>According to Mixpanel (via BGR), you can clearly see <a href=""></a> in the graph above that iOS 10's adoption is on the rise. Within the first 24 hours of its release, it has been estimated to have been installed on about 14.5% of all iOS devices. Like we said this has outpaced iOS 9 which managed 12% in 24 hours, so safe to say that things are certainly looking up for Apple.<br><br>iOS adoption has typically been pretty fast due to the fact that there are no obstacles to updating. For example last we checked, which was earlier this year, iOS 9's adoption was sitting <a href="">halocapitalgroup</a> at 84%. So far it seems that iOS 7 still remains one of the fastest updates to be adopted, but we guess we'll see how iOS 10 does in the next few months.<br><br><img style="float:right;margin:10px;border:none;" src="" width="326" /><br><br>iOS 10 has brought about several major changes to the OS, such as a revamping of the Messages app which will now be more fun and social with stickers and apps. There is also a new Home app that lets users control HomeKit devices. Siri is also now open to third-party developers, in which we've seen apps such as WhatsApp take advantage of right out of the gate.<br><br>Filed in Apple >Cellphones >Tablets. Read more about iOS and iOS 10.<br><br><a href=''></a><br><br>[[/html]] - Comments: 0

Online Payday Lenders & Credit Crunch - 29 Aug 2016 15:10


[[html]]<img style="float:left;margin:10px;border:none;" src="" width="250" /><br><br>CBS News Investigative Unit's Lauren Zelt wrote this story for<br><br>As Wall Street is reeling from years of easy credit it couldn't afford, online payday lenders are targeting Americans on Main Street with easy credit options that can leave consumers swimming in new debt. <br><br>One new ad for Ezpaydaycash boasts, "With the recent credit crunch, traditional banking institutions have ignored your needs."<br><br><object width="400" height="241"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="400" height="241"></embed></object><br><br>"In the last week I've started seeing more online payday lenders urging people that payday loans are the solution," says Jean Ann Fox of the Consumer Federation of America.<br><br>Complaints are widespread. CBS News has learned that Attorneys General in at least fourteen states have received complaints about online payday lenders in the past year. Consumers say some lenders make illegal automatic bank withdrawals after loans are paid off and harass borrowers. <br><br>The $5 billion a year online lending industry is lucrative. Cash America, a payday advance storefront company, attributes a $160 million bump in last year's revenue to acquiring online lender according to SEC filings. <br><br>In order to get a loan, customers fill out an application giving lenders access to personal information, including their social security number and routing and bank account numbers. After being cleared for the loan, the lender deposits the payday advance. The entire process usually takes less than 5 or 10 minutes. Then at the end of the borrower's pay period, the lender dips directly into the customer's bank account to pay off the loan. <br><br><img style="float:right;margin:10px;border:none;" src="" width="271" /><br><br>Faced with a recent divorce and car trouble, Filbrun got her first loan from a local storefront payday lender. "I didn't have enough money to pay it back on my payday so I went and got another loan," said borrower Christine Filbrun. <br><br>When Filbrun later received an email advertisement for online payday loans, she thought it would be an even better option. "It seemed so easy. There was no credit check and they would not check with my employer," she said.<br><br>After getting the $300 loan, the company withdrew money from her bank account every other week. "Since that time, an ACH withdrawal of $90 has been deducted twice per month," Filbrun said. "I have paid the loan almost three times over." <br><br>"Sometimes companies take out more than they're supposed to," said Dan Egan of the Pennsylvania Department of Banking. <br><br>"This is the first we've heard of such actions," said the executive director of the Online Lenders Alliance (OLA), Cole Kimball.<br><br>"If the OLA board of directors ever became aware of any OLA member who knowingly and willfully engaged in theft, we would report that company to the appropriate law-enforcement authorities immediately," Kimball told CBS News in an email. However it's unclear which online lenders abide by OLA regulations, because Kimball will not reveal who belongs to the alliance. <br><br>Many consumers don't know how to stop the bank account debits because they have a difficult time finding contact information for lenders who operate overseas or on Indian reservations. <br><br>"Lenders get a hold of customer bank accounts and just won't let go," said Laura Udis from the office. She says the state has tracked down companies in Malta and Grenada. With lenders overseas it's unclear which laws apply. <br><br>It's the same problem in Florida says Michael Ramfden of the Florida Office of Financial Regulation. "The reality is that you're dealing with a nameless, faceless company. It could take a trained investigator weeks or months to find them." <br><br>As a result, online lenders can navigate around the payday loan laws that are designed to protect consumers, including state interest rate caps that effectively ban lenders from doing business in certain states. <br><br>Some customers get stuck in a cycle of debt and end up taking out an increasing number of loans that they can't afford. <br><br>"One of [the borrowers] who complained to us had loans with at least 30 different payday lenders," says Norman Googel, an assistant attorney general in West Virginia.<br><br>Federal regulations require US lenders to publish their annual percentage rate for interest charged on a payday advance. Sites like charge from 438% to 1,369% interest, amounts that overwhelmingly exceed interest rate caps on short term loans in some states.<br><br>In West Virginia, the Attorney General has filed lawsuits to enforce investigative subpoenas issued to more than thirty companies that run online payday lending websites such as,, and, which have not been settled to date.<br><br><object width="400" height="241"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="400" height="241"></embed></object><br><br>Consumers like Filbrun encourage others to avoid online payday advance all together. "I would so highly advise against it," she said, "I just feel exploited by it," she said.<br><br>By Lauren Zelt<br><br><a href=''></a>[[/html]] - Comments: 0

Loans / Lease :: Instant Decision Business Loans with No Credit Check! - 29 Jul 2016 21:32


[[html]]If getting over the credit problems has been your prime concern, then stop worrying right away. Yes, an instant decision business loan with no credit check may be the right type of loan for all your problems. These loans offer instant respite to all your debt problems. Consulting a financial expert can help you get an expert opinion for all your credit problems. They are well are skilled enough to handle such problems. <br><br>These loans enable you to get the loan fast. If you are suffering from a poor credit history, you can avoid going in for a credit check. Thereby, you are saved of all the unwanted burden of going in for a detailed credit check. <br><br><img src="" width="266" /><br><br>A guaranteed bad credit business loan too can help you get a loan at lower rate of interest. To be eligible for these loans, you need to pledge some valuable asset as collateral. This will help you get a loan amount of your choice. In case of non payment of the loan, the lender can always make a claim of the property pledged. You need not go in for a credit check with these loans too. <br><br>Have you been planning to start a business of your own? You need to have sufficient funds to run it successfully. There are various expenses that you may have to meet during day to day dealings. If you don't have sufficient funds, you need not worry at all! With the help of these loans, you can easily meet all your business needs. Go ahead and make the right moves with the aid of these loans. <br><br>A poor credit score can affect your chances of getting a loan. However, today there are various loan options in the loan market which offer you an array of choice. No credit check small business loans too offer similar benefits. <br><br>Instant Decision on Business Loans - A Quick Fix to All Your Problems! <br><br>No matter how well prepared you are to meet your business needs; you may find yourself in need of money for some emergency requirement. No matter what your requirements are, you are rest assured of meeting them all through instant decision business loan. Get started now! <br><br>These loans offer you the excellent opportunity to avail a loan at a lower rate of interest. You can even payback the loan in easy monthly installments at easy terms and conditions. As compared to other lenders, these loans are available at incredibly lower rate of interest which adds up to a TRULY LOW COST instant business loan. What's more? You can also get expert advice from the specialist advisors.<br><br>Unfortunately, many borrowers fail to make use of the opportunity as they are unaware of the options available with them. These loans can e used by all kinds of borrowers. They can be used for any purpose - either to star off a new business or improvise on the existing one. <br><br>Yu become eligible for the following benefits once you opt for these loans:<br><br>o Choose from a wide range of loan deals and services<br><br>o Loans at a comparatively lower rate of interest<br><br>o Flexible repayment option <br><br>o Faster approval of loans<br><br>&#13;<br><br><a href=''></a><br><br>[[/html]] - Comments: 0

Bad Credit Business Loans: Poor Credit Business Financing - 29 Jul 2016 19:27


[[html]]Stop applying for Bad Credit Business Loans!<br><br>Acquiring a business loan is not easy for businesses with bad credit. Getting approved for a business loan from a bank with a credit score of 650 or less can be extremely difficult. Unfortunately for young businesses bad credit is a common plight. Many entrepreneurs quickly learn that their initial business loan was helpful in establishing and starting up - but expansion, maintenance or even growth requires additional funding which may not always be available. New small businesses tend to damage their own chances for secondary financing during slow beginnings when fixed loan repayments are not always made on time. Other factors such as personal credit may also damage ones ability to be approved for a business loan as most lenders (banks and other financial institutions) look at a combination of both personal and business credit. Many business owners turn to private lenders, small loan companies, or even family or friends. Acquiring the necessary funds through these private channels is usually not realistic as funding amounts are typically limited.<br><br><img src="" width="313" /><br><br>Get a Business Cash Advance: Business Loan Alternative<br><br><img style="float:left;margin:10px;border:none;" src="" width="258" /><br><br>Business cash advances are the best option for merchants with poor credit in need of small business financing. Cash advances offer the following benefits not available through bank bad credit business loans:<br><br>Flexible repayment options!&#13;<br><br>Unsecured, no collateral necessary!&#13;<br><br>Bad credit not an issue!&#13;<br><br>Our simple online application takes only a few minutes to complete, and we can approve your business for an unsecured cash advance in less than 24 hours.<br><br>Stop turning to banks for business loans with bad or poor credit, get the financing you need quickly.<br><br>Apply online now or call us toll free 1-888-878-6250 (1-888-UpTo-250K)<br><br><a href=''></a><br><br>[[/html]] - Comments: 0

What Is The Lowest Amount I Can Have Financed For A Car? - 29 Jul 2016 18:55


[[html]]Often people come across a car that is in their budget and become unpleasantly surprised when they find out that the car they want must be paid for in cash. Cash that they dont have! Why cant I finance the vehicle that I want? Well, this is because the amount is too low for the financier. Typically a vehicle must be around $8000 to be financed by the banks. This is because they want to make sure that the amount to be financed is enough to make it worth their while. Although $5000 may seem like a lot of money to some people, the amount is too small for the banks when it comes to car loans. The vehicle that you are looking for must also pass the Safety Standards and requirements when it comes to kilometres and year of the car. Generally, the car shouldnt have more than 120,000 km on it.<br><br><img src="" width="332" /><br><br>One thing to remember too is that the lower capital cost of borrowing usually equates to a higher interest rate. This is because the investment from the bank only makes sense to them on a low amount if they are making profit by charging a high interest. Banks will also have limits on the term of the finance for vehicles in this category. They are usually for 36 months or even less. For example, if the interest rate on the car you are financing is around 14 or 15 % then the monthly payment is approximately $250 per month for a 3 year term.<br><br>Some used car dealers have a large selection of cars in this range. Your best bet is to look for cars that fit that important monthly budget of yours and ideally the car has low kilometres on it and will pass the Safety and Emissions tests. Another thing to consider when going with your newly financed vehicle are the other costs associated with the car. For example, the $250 per month doesnt stop there. You have to get insurance for your car, calculate any repairs you may encounter or general maintenance needed. Check to see what the fuel consumption is so you can get a rough idea of what you will need for gas. Also, look into see what kind of warranty options are available as they will also add to the monthly cost of your vehicle. The main thing is to know what your budget is and realize that that $5000 car you so desire may not be able to be financed but that if you go with a bit higher valued car, you still may be able to have the luxury of financing it and keeping it in your important monthly budget.<br><br><a href=''></a><br><br>[[/html]] - Comments: 0 | 502: Bad gateway - 29 Jul 2016 18:47


[[html]]Bad gateway<br><br><img style="float:left;margin:10px;border:none;" src="" width="314" /><br><br>Newark<br><br>CloudFlare<br><br>Working<br><br><br><br>Host<br><br>Error<br><br>What happened?<br><br>The web server reported a bad gateway error.<br><br>What can I do?<br><br>Please try again in a few minutes.<br><br><a href=''></a><br><br>[[/html]] - Comments: 0 | 502: Bad gateway - 29 Jul 2016 18:42


[[html]]Bad gateway<br><br>Dallas<br><br>CloudFlare<br><br>Working<br><br><br><br>Host<br><br>Error<br><br>What happened?<br><br>The web server reported a bad gateway error.<br><br>What can I do?<br><br>Please try again in a few minutes.<br><br><img src="" width="332" /><br><br><a href=''></a><br><br>[[/html]] - Comments: 0

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